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@ 2013-06-07 07:51:00

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Utagawa Hiroshige (Ando). Summer Views of Edo

One Hundred Famous Views of Edo (in Japanese 名所江戸百景 Meisho Edo Hyakkei ) is a series of ukiyo-e prints begun and largely completed by the Japanese artist Hiroshige (1797–1858). The prints were first published in serialized form in 1856–59, with Hiroshige II completing the series after Hiroshige’s death. It was tremendously popular and much reprinted…continue reading

100 views edo 044 650x987 Utagawa Hiroshige (Ando). Summer Views of Edo

100 views edo 049 650x960 Utagawa Hiroshige (Ando). Summer Views of Edo

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