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@ 2013-06-06 15:29:00

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Abundant Editorial Illustrations from Sebastien Thibault

Sebastien Thibault is an accomplished illustrator from Matane, Gaspesie. He studied graphic communication at Laval University. Throughout his conceptual illustrations, Sebastien pays huge attention to objects, shapes, symbols, and colors. The multiple Lux award-winner starts every illustration with his brain, and after sketching multiple ideas he finalizes his work in Illustrator/Photoshop. He’s mainly contracted for editorial illustrations by magazines like Time, Wired, Boston Globe, Harvard Business, PC World, American Airlines, and many others. I think Thibault’s talent will positively influence any aspiring designer/illustrator.

1111 Abundant Editorial Illustrations from Sebastien Thibault

additive love1 650x649 Abundant Editorial Illustrations from Sebastien Thibault

learning charisma1 650x886 Abundant Editorial Illustrations from Sebastien Thibault

run baby run1 650x561 Abundant Editorial Illustrations from Sebastien Thibault

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