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@ 2013-06-06 05:51:00

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30 Mind-Blowing 3D Fantasy CG Girl Artworks by Kjun and 9Bzo7

f900 30 Mind Blowing 3D Fantasy CG Girl Artworks by Kjun and 9Bzo7
This is a brilliant collection of most amazing 3D CG Fantasy Artworks for your inspiration. Most of these images were made using 3D-Max, Painter, Photoshop, Mental Vray and Mudbox. 9bzo7 is a female cg illustrator from korea. Tha signature of “97bzo” means “a bird flying over a tree”. 9 represents the tree and 7 represents the bird. “bzo” is “flying bird” in Korean
f901 30 Mind Blowing 3D Fantasy CG Girl Artworks by Kjun and 9Bzo7

f902 30 Mind Blowing 3D Fantasy CG Girl Artworks by Kjun and 9Bzo7
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