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@ 2013-06-05 08:37:00

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Portovelo Online Shoes Shop

We take pride in the refreshing e-commerce site for Portovelo, whose design concept – shoes for the free-spirited to travel with heart and sole – is shaped into the format of a traveller’s journal. We developed the site and designed its web user interface, taking into account what Portovelo wanted to achieve, and providing recommendations and execution to deliver an eye-pleasing site with a user-friendly interface and delightfully high usability.

Client : Portovelo (

Design Agency : Double Eleven Design Studio (

th 1e5e163374b66d7c704702d55b5ec3e8 01 portovelo mainpage Portovelo Online Shoes Shopth 1e5e163374b66d7c704702d55b5ec3e8 02portovelo shop portovelo Portovelo Online Shoes Shopth 1e5e163374b66d7c704702d55b5ec3e8 03 portovelo shop portovelo inner26 Portovelo Online Shoes Shopth 1e5e163374b66d7c704702d55b5ec3e8 04 portovelo journal Portovelo Online Shoes Shopth 1e5e163374b66d7c704702d55b5ec3e8 05 portovelo ompv Portovelo Online Shoes Shopth 1e5e163374b66d7c704702d55b5ec3e8 06 portovelo our story Portovelo Online Shoes Shopth 1e5e163374b66d7c704702d55b5ec3e8 07 portovelo our shoes Portovelo Online Shoes Shop

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