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@ 2013-06-05 00:56:00

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St. Gabriel’s by Paul Archer Design

leibal stgabriels archer 1 650x431 St. Gabriel’s by Paul Archer Design

leibal stgabriels archer 3 650x436 St. Gabriel’s by Paul Archer Design

leibal stgabriels archer 5 650x713 St. Gabriel’s by Paul Archer Design

St. Gabriel’s is a minimalist house located in London, England, designed by Paul Archer Design. The new space is organized around a large kitchen island unit that punches through the glass skin of the building, connecting the inside and outside. So in the summer, you can spread out the cooking process between inside and out. Two large pivot doors allow the best combination of clear uninterrupted views of the garden, and maximum openability.

See more minimalist designs at Leibal

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