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@ 2013-06-04 22:12:00

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E8 Garden Deck

z E8 Garden Deck

Once upon a time, “Eat Your Vegetables” was a hopelessly square sentiment, an admonition uttered by moms and doctors to a reluctant audience. Most of us—children and adults equally—had to be urged to partake of artichokes, asparagus, beets, broccoli, eggplant, and their cousins. But those were the dark culinary ages, before our gastronomic enlightenment. Today, vegetables are appreciated across the land, feted by farmers, honored by home cooks, and celebrated by chefs. They are deliciously liquefied at juice bars and grilled, roasted, sautéed, and poached with the same love as fish and meats in our finest dining temples. And as more and more people understand that they keep girth and cholesterol in check, there’s an extra incentive to eat several servings each day.

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