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@ 2013-06-04 13:09:00

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Over 4,300 Professional, High-Quality Icons – only $37!

md1 Over 4,300 Professional, High Quality Icons   only $37!
They say big things come in little packages. Chances are, whoever first coined that phrase wasn’t talking about icons, but they may as well have been. Icons may be small but they can get their message out to users worldwide. Some icons just speak the universal language of computer users.
The neat thing about icons is that they come in all shapes and styles. From simplistic to surprisingly detailed, and full-on color to black-and-white versions. Not sure what style to go with? Then this Mighty Deal is for you, as it includes 12 high-quality icon sets from IconEden in one mega bundle!

Normally, you’d pay $99 to get this collection of over 4,300 icons, but for a limited time only, you can get the entire bundle for just $37! That’s a massive 63% off the regular price!
Read more!

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