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@ 2013-06-04 11:00:00

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End of the Road by Ben Stechschulte

Ben Stechschulte 650x433 End of the Road by Ben Stechschulte

Ben Stechschulte has photographed subjects as varied as the food industry, detained immigrants, and honor killing in the Middle East. His stories and portraits appear in a variety of publications including TIME, New York Magazine, Smithsonian and, The New York Times Magazine. via Photography Blogs.

Ben Stechschulte3 650x433 End of the Road by Ben Stechschulte

Ben Stechschulte5 650x433 End of the Road by Ben Stechschulte
Ben Stechschulte7 650x433 End of the Road by Ben Stechschulte
Ben Stechschulte9 650x433 End of the Road by Ben Stechschulte

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