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@ 2013-06-04 03:53:00

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The Art is not only about giving a joy to every single viewer, but mostly about giving peace to every single artist. First of all one doesn’t choose to become an artist, but the art chooses them to become creator. If you are unable to share with the art – your time, energy and toil – the art wil never share with you anything! One cannot learn to be artist, if God did not graft in them the seed of art – the pursuit of craetion. There are houndreds of art schools and thousands of art students, but only one Vincent Van Goth! No one can learn to be artist, but very few may try to extract the fire from the bottom of their hearts… People should look at the art with their souls – not with their eyes. When they look with their souls and can feel anything – because of the works they looking at – then, one could say that the artist hit the jackpot! Their work and entire harship were not in vein. If your work don’t bring joy to at least one person, then perhaps you should try something else. Do not lie to yourself and to the viewers, telling them that the abstraction express anything , because you making them believe that they are blind. Instead create beauty, which can be perceived with the soul and the eyes by everone. Even if they’ll never call you an artist, you will bring joy to many…kindlich grabmal VINCENT VAN GOGH...IMMORTAL!

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