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@ 2013-06-03 14:56:00

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Brands in Full Bloom by Daryl Feril

Daryl Feril is a freelance illustrator and designer based in Philippines. In 2012, he earned his bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts major in Advertising Arts at a small prominent art school in Bacolod City, Philippines. His mixed media style composed of rough hand-drawn, fauna sketches, watercolors, and digital techniques. His project titled Brands In Full Bloom, showcases luxury clothing brands like Prada, Louis Vuitton, Dior, and Chanel in a sophisticated manner.

brands in full bloom by daryl feril 11 650x920 Brands in Full Bloom by Daryl Feril

brands in full bloom by daryl feril 51 650x919 Brands in Full Bloom by Daryl Feril

brands in full bloom by daryl feril 91 Brands in Full Bloom by Daryl Feril

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