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@ 2013-06-03 09:59:00

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Themeclue: an Advanced Search App for CMS Themes

Themeclue is an advanced search app for CMS themes. It helps you to find the best theme for building your website in a few moves.

IMG 4383 1 21 Themeclue: an Advanced Search App for CMS Themes

Themeclue is a gallery (not a marketplace!) for showcasing high quality themes for the most popular CMS and a tool that allows “theme hunters” to find what they need quickly. In a few words, we have tried to provide to theme’s lovers an ordered, flexible and free instrument featuring the hottest themes on the web.

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WHY THEMECLUE – In the past I happened to look for a WordPress theme providing some exact features, and I’ve spent hours searching for what I was looking for. I realised that it would be great having a powerful tool to facilitate the search process, so when I met Daniele – the developer – I propose him to start working on a theme’s gallery and… he said yes! We have spent five months creating Themeclue from scratch and – IMHO – I think that we have made a quite good job!

THE “QUESTIONING” – The concept of Themeclue is built around the detective metaphor: the logo is a pipe that reminds to Sherlock Holmes, search results are “clues” and “the questioning” is a special section made up of four basic questions allowing first users to experience an alternative way to find what they need.

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THE ADVANCED SEARCH – Themeclue provides an advanced filtering search system allowing a wide range of options. Users can combine the keyword search with the taxonomic built-in filters to exactly match the required features.

THE COMMUNITY – Themeclue is also a community for theme lovers. Users can create a personal account and submit themes, leave comments, save and share searches, bookmark their favourites, etc.

FREE! – Last but not least, Themeclue is free! That’s because we believe in this project and we have made it with love and care. Hope you’ll love it too!

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