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@ 2013-06-03 05:49:00

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26 Best and Beautiful 3D Character Designs by Fabricio Moraes and Titouan Olive

f865 26 Best and Beautiful 3D Character Designs by Fabricio Moraes and Titouan Olive
In this post we have added 25 best 3D Character Designs created by Jesse Sandifer, Fabricio Moraes and Titouan Olive for your inspiration. These characters were created by powerful 3D tools like ZBursh, 3DsMax, Maya, Zbrush, Mudbox, Vray and retouched by Photoshop. I hope you like these characters.
f866 26 Best and Beautiful 3D Character Designs by Fabricio Moraes and Titouan Olive

f867 26 Best and Beautiful 3D Character Designs by Fabricio Moraes and Titouan Olive
See Full post here

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