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@ 2013-06-02 14:57:00

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10 Fresh and Free Fonts

Here at youandsaturation we believe that our readers can always use on new freebies for their projects. And this is why we like to keep you posted on what is new out there, especially when it comes to free fonts, like the ones we have here today.

Free fonts are very easy to find but finding high-quality, delightful, attractive and elegant fonts is a very hectic work to do. Many fonts are being released from several past years, some became famous due to their superior quality, some failed due to some reason. Typography isn’t just about communication, it can also add subtle references to the message you’re trying to convey. Whole books have been written on the craft and nuanced world of typography and type design, but we’re keeping things simple.

Here we have collected 10 fresh and free fonts for you to use in your designs. Enjoy!

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Agilis Free Font

free fonts 1 10 Fresh and Free Fonts


free fonts 2 10 Fresh and Free Fonts

Muchacho Free Font

free fonts 3 10 Fresh and Free Fonts

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