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@ 2013-06-01 12:54:00

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RailMan — Retina & Responsive WordPress Theme only for $19

CM RailMan 650x432 RailMan — Retina & Responsive WordPress Theme only for $19

Hi Guys! RailMan is super-clean WordPress theme focused on typography, big photos and your content. It allows you to focus on your thoughts, stories, images or articles.

•• Live Preview here: ••

— Clean and minimal distraction-free design
— Responsive layout
— Big thumbnail images (optional, but awesome!)
— Social sharing: Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus
— DISQUS comments support
— WP Contact Form 7 plugin support (used in Contact page)
— Custom Menu
— Theme Options
— Footer Widgetizable area
— Sanchez font
— 800px wide

Get it on CreativeMarket!

PS: Do you know about Creative Market Budle (70+ product worth over $850)?!

breezi placeit 2 650x389 RailMan — Retina & Responsive WordPress Theme only for $19

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