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@ 2013-06-01 11:04:00

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Drents Archive by Zecc Architects

189 Drents Archive by Zecc Architects

The monumental building had a very closed character before the conversion and was accessed via a small tower on the Brink of Assen. With a new entrance to the pavilion on the other side of the building it has become accessible and inviting. A long meandering path takes you to the breathtaking entrance. Through this futuristic ‘time machine’ you enter the old archive building and history unfolds. The monumental state archive consists of three components from different periods and styles. A cloister from the Middle Ages is one of the oldest pieces of Assen. Around 1900 architect Lokhorst built the main building in neo-style, around 1980 architect Tauber realized an expansion with reading and underground archives. This last part is now equipped with a new entrance, which is the most recent addition in the series.

227 Drents Archive by Zecc Architects

315 Drents Archive by Zecc Architects

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