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@ 2013-05-31 19:19:00

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Fashion Photography by Norbert Schoerner

Norbert Schoerner 650x653 Fashion Photography by Norbert Schoerner

Norbert Schoerner is a German photographer and filmmaker. Based in London since 1989, he spent the early 1990s experimenting with layered imaging and digital post production, primarily in The Face. via Photography Blogs.

Norbert Schoerner3 650x421 Fashion Photography by Norbert Schoerner

Norbert Schoerner5 650x433 Fashion Photography by Norbert Schoerner
Norbert Schoerner7 650x433 Fashion Photography by Norbert Schoerner
Norbert Schoerner9 650x794 Fashion Photography by Norbert Schoerner

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