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@ 2013-05-31 17:02:00

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50 Alluring Magazine Cover Designs

The front cover is probably one of the most important parts of a magazine. Having a beautiful design with tempting article headlines is essential to grab people’s attention. As a reader, you’re constantly bombarded with all sorts of unique niches at the magazine rack. If the front cover doesn’t catch your eye, then you’re not going to pick it up. Because of this mentality, your cover design must be on point. Today we collected a mix of digital and physical magazine cover designs for you inspiration.

9b14468bfe0fd290e2bf19bf4a95d4e111 50 Alluring Magazine Cover Designs

2fe0fe2dfdec0dcaf4e90482c32114a111 50 Alluring Magazine Cover Designs

09a7c5a5588e9e55e129ee7dca15f0c311 50 Alluring Magazine Cover Designs

distro thumb w 58011 50 Alluring Magazine Cover Designs

See the rest covers here!

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