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@ 2013-05-31 16:10:00

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Dragon Ball Z-ing: Interesting Photo Trend Sweeping Japan

Remember how planking became hip for a few months or so? Everybody on the internet would upload the most ridiculous and completely unnecessary planking pictures just to get laugh. Well, trends come and go. And it’s time for something new.

Dragon Ball is a long-running anime program with a massive fan base in Japan. Amongst the youth in Japan, a new photo trend called Dragon Ball Z-ing is gaining heavy traction. Numerous Japanese teens are uploading photos of themselves on Twitter replicating the Kamehameha attack in real life. This unique trend is actually very creative and certainly takes more aptitude than planking. It seems the trend is starting to make its way outside of Japan. We collected a few images to give you an idea of what it’s all about.

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See the rest here!

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