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@ 2013-05-31 15:49:00

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Burritobot: 3-D Printing Burritos

burritobot 3D printing burritos 01 Burritobot: 3 D Printing Burritos

With the fast emergence of 3-D printers, one might wonder, is it possible for food to be “printed” from raw ingredients as well? An NYU student had exactly this idea for his thesis: the Burritobot.

burritobot 3D printing burritos 02 Burritobot: 3 D Printing Burritos

The Burritobot, as the name describes, is a 3-D printer that makes burritos. It is controlled by an iOS or Ruby-based smartphone app, where the user can customize his or her choice of condiments and toppings atop a standardized tortilla.

burritobot 3D printing burritos 03 Burritobot: 3 D Printing Burritos

Though the Burritobot is a prototype that illustrates an idea, the goal is to bring attention to the way that the fast-food industry might change, and what designers can do to help it revolutionize in the right way. Can we use technology to make healthier and fresher foods from natural ingredients?


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