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@ 2013-05-31 15:42:00

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Dreampaper by Ceren Kilic

1901 Dreampaper by Ceren Kilic

Ceren Kilic is a mixed media artist and graphic designer currently living and working in Istanbul, Turkey.
Her work  is so much influenced by the contrast between solid look of the future and the sophisticated way of living of the past. Her inspiration comes from old french movies, people in the 50s and 60s, geometry, celestial objects (such as stars, nebulae, galaxies), landscapes and mineralogy. In her work you can see her dreams and maybe the reflection of the parallel universe.

tumblr ma4lih07HW1rwrxszo1 r9 500 Dreampaper by Ceren Kilic

tumblr mm2l3yLE0y1rwrxszo1 r1 500 Dreampaper by Ceren Kilic

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