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@ 2013-05-31 13:41:00

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Relive PFW A/W 2013 with Skylar Williams – Day 7: CHANEL, Zadig & Voltaire

CHANELL1015570 Relive PFW A/W 2013 with Skylar Williams – Day 7: CHANEL, Zadig & Voltaire

Relive Paris Fashion Week AW 2013 through the lense of Las Vegas based photographer Skylar Williams. Every day for one week we are presenting you his coverage of one day of PFW. The seventh day features the shows of JC de Castelblajac, Chanel, Zadig & Voltaire and Pringle Presentation. Look out for a new spread featuring Allude, Elie Saab and many more tomorrow.

See all the pictures (30+) on WhiteLies Magazine (

PRINGLESTREETL1015898 Relive PFW A/W 2013 with Skylar Williams – Day 7: CHANEL, Zadig & Voltaire

JCDECASTELBAJACL1015607 Relive PFW A/W 2013 with Skylar Williams – Day 7: CHANEL, Zadig & Voltaire

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