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@ 2013-05-31 11:49:00

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Ultra-Resolution Kirabook From Toshiba

Have a look at the first ultra resolution ultrabook KIRABOOK from Toshiba to hit the market. Kirabook squeezes 221 pixels per inch into its stunning 2560 x 1440 pixels into a 13.3 inch screen.

t13 Ultra Resolution Kirabook From Toshiba


t42 Ultra Resolution Kirabook From Toshiba


t33 Ultra Resolution Kirabook From Toshiba


t23 Ultra Resolution Kirabook From Toshiba


This is first kind of of machine in this size. This ultra-resolution Toshiba KIRABook weighs just about 2.8 pounds.The screen on the KIRABook is really awesome and loaded with the intuitive nature of Windows 8. The starting range for KIRABook is $1,600 without touchscreen but if you looking for fully loaded version of it then you need to pay approx $2,000.

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