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@ 2013-05-29 18:10:00

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Freyja Sewell’s HUSH – A private resting pod for public areas

Freyja Sewells HUSH Freyja Sewell’s HUSH – A private resting pod for public areas

When it comes to public places like an airport or an office, the essence of a personal space is lost among the ‘common area’ retreats like a waiting room or a canteen area. The aptly named ‘HUSH’ (by Freyja Sewell) has been envisaged for such zones, where you can enjoy your solitude and rest in a safely enclosed space free from outside circulation. Comprising of a felt pod which is entirely composed of biodegradable materials, the form of the design resembles a mini-tent with a singular access point. This entrance ‘gap’ stretches from top to bottom, thus making the HUSH a semi-private pod with easy connection to the surrounding space.

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