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@ 2013-05-29 15:26:00

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HD collection of classical paintings from European artists Part 2

In this post, we continue to explore the European paintings from many well-known artists such as Camille Pissarro, an Impressionist and Neo-Impressionist painter; Nicolas Poussin, the leading painter of the classical French Baroque style or Andrea Previtali, an Italian painter of the Renaissance period … They represent for various kinds of art style in the medieval age at Euro. Many of them have give a lot of inspiration for the modern artists nowadays.

The Avenue, Sydenham by Camille Pissarro

PISARRO Camille The Avenue Sydenham thumb HD collection of classical paintings from European artists Part 2

Joseph in Egypt by Jacopo Pontormo

PONTORMO Jacopo Joseph in Egypt thumb HD collection of classical paintings from European artists Part 2

The Adoration of the Shepherds by Nicolas Poussin

POUSSIN Nicolas The Adoration of the Shepherds thumb HD collection of classical paintings from European artists Part 2

More classical paintings from European artists here.

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