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@ 2013-05-29 14:56:00

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Staggering Illustrations by Vadi Tkachev

Vadi Tkachev is a Russian artist, designer, and illustrator from Moscow. I’m absolutely in love with his creative chaos paintings, which are created using acrylic, ink, spray paint, and markers. Each painting is loaded with hidden gems to grab your attention. If you stare long enough, you’ll start to notice more elements which you might have missed before. We hope you’ll enjoy his staggering work!

staggering illustrations by vadi tkachev 171 Staggering Illustrations by Vadi Tkachev

staggering illustrations by vadi tkachev 231 Staggering Illustrations by Vadi Tkachev

staggering illustrations by vadi tkachev 281 Staggering Illustrations by Vadi Tkachev

See the rest illustrations here!

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