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@ 2013-05-29 11:48:00

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Sergio Miranda’s Photo Exhibition

The Patagonian photographer, based in Kingdom of Bahrain (Middle East) is having his first solo exhibition. He’s is showing images from three different series. The first two series belong to collections of images made to be printed in silk scarves of 120x120cms size. The third series is part of his work “Ombligo” which mixes navels from people of all around the world with maps that represent hometowns. The link between this three series is the square format of the images, that resembles the amazing Hasselblad 6×6 format, and nowadays, the popular Instagram format.

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rsz h700 12 268 650x650 Sergio Mirandas Photo Exhibition

rsz h700 11 1771 650x650 Sergio Mirandas Photo Exhibition

rsz h700 12 2381 650x650 Sergio Mirandas Photo Exhibition

rsz h700 12 2631 650x650 Sergio Mirandas Photo Exhibition

rsz h700 9 1971 650x650 Sergio Mirandas Photo Exhibition

rsz h700 9 1931 650x650 Sergio Mirandas Photo Exhibition

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