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@ 2013-05-29 10:47:00

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A cooking set made my DATE!!

What if I told you that a normal deal turned into an abnormal experience for me? What if the best in the world became the worst of them all? What if the solid-expectation from a kitchen-equipment blew your whole event off?

This is somewhat explanatory of what happened with me in the past few days with a super deal that did not work out that superbly. This event took place a month ago when I ordered one of the steel cookware sets from an AMAZING website, and you might have guessed which one it would have been. The site showed me approximately 21 results when I searched for an appropriate dining table apparatus for an upcoming event that was majorly important for me!Stainless Steel Cookware Set MSF 701 1 650x391 A cooking set made my DATE!!

Having chosen one of the options that was neither too expensive nor too cheap; I planned to cook a dish by myself for the most important person in my life, so that I could tell her what I felt about her. The perfect plan was all set and the only thing missing was the formatting with the presentation of my preparations. The table cloth to the spoons that should match it, the red coloured theme all around the room to catch it; everything needed to be in just the right way for it to turn out awesomely.

I only had a day to dress everything up in the way I wanted it to look and feel. She liked red and orange more than anything so I amalgamated them both in a way which made it all the more adorable for the female gender! The table was orange while the chairs with it were more into pinkish-red. A long tailed ceiling light-set was there to top it all up when the night would pull down after we end up watching one of her favourite movies. A cooking set made my DATE!!

I guess everything has been defined upright till now so you would have guessed what messed up in the very end! It was unfortunately the dish that disordered my orderly evening and that was partly my fault as well. What really happened was, that I mistakenly left the Italian (she loves Italian food) baked prawns within the steel-mesh like tray inside the oven and forgot to turn in off. I normally run my oven at 30% integrity so as to get the food internally cooked along with the outer sides getting all reddish! I was in the middle of my ultimate dish when she rang the bell and that is why I had to leave the kitchen ASAP! Welcoming her inside my place for the first time took a bit longer than I thought it would and that is what misaligned my ideas.

The sound of a BANG invited us both in the kitchen as we ran towards the unfortunate event. She looked at me and I looked at her all puzzled at what to say! But what happened later on was a miracle I suppose; as she smiled at first then burst into laughter! Suddenly came in close and hugged me tightly as she understood what my intentions were.

The rest of the night was spent somewhere in the middle of the self-explanatory phrase “AWESOME” as we ate and watched movies. Laughing, crying and clapping high-fives with her all night long, it was one adorable momentous 13-hour period that I can never forget!redorange room1 650x487 A cooking set made my DATE!!



Get better steel cookware sets from international market.

Story Credits: Max Cooper; & Pictures: Web (these resemble my ideas appropriately)

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