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@ 2013-05-29 09:15:00

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Oil Painting – Light up your inspiration

Oil painting is the process of painting with pigments that are bound with a medium of drying oil—especially in early modern Europe, linseed oil. Often an oil such as linseed was boiled with a resin such as pine resin or even frankincense; these were called ‘varnishes’ and were prized for their body and gloss. Other oils occasionally used include poppyseed oil, walnut oil, and safflower oil. These oils confer various properties to the oil paint, such as less yellowing or different drying times.

creativeoilpainting9 2 thumb Oil Painting – Light up your inspiration
creativeoilpainting9 3 thumb1 Oil Painting – Light up your inspiration
creativeoilpainting9 6 thumb1 Oil Painting – Light up your inspiration

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