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@ 2013-05-28 22:37:00

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A half-million square foot industrial/commercial-to-residential conversion project in Williamsburg by Slade Architecture.

Exterior 650x523 184 Kent Ave by SLADE ARCHITECTURE

This project received both 2011 Building Brooklyn Awards – Winner for Adaptive Reuse and 2010 Interior Design Magazine Best of Year – Award of Merit for Public Space.

kent lobby IMG 40801 650x433 184 Kent Ave by SLADE ARCHITECTURE

kent lobby IMG 4039 copy1 650x433 184 Kent Ave by SLADE ARCHITECTURE

kent lobby MG 18862 650x433 184 Kent Ave by SLADE ARCHITECTURE

kent lib IMG 38902 650x433 184 Kent Ave by SLADE ARCHITECTURE

kent kids IMG 39171 650x906 184 Kent Ave by SLADE ARCHITECTURE

kent kids  MG 1922 650x975 184 Kent Ave by SLADE ARCHITECTURE

kent amenity MG 17522 650x433 184 Kent Ave by SLADE ARCHITECTURE

kent amenity IMG 4005 copy 650x402 184 Kent Ave by SLADE ARCHITECTURE

The building program calls for over three hundred units across a variety of apartment types. The modules for kitchens and baths were designed to accommodate the particular conditions in each unit. This exercise was especially challenging as the pre-existing industrial shell has a substantial column grid that resulted from the non-standard conditions in the units. The architects worked directly with kitchen and bath vendors to accomplish design goals in the most economical fashion. Understanding vendors’ fabrication constraints and designing around those, while standardizing as much as possible, has achieved an apparently luxurious design aesthetic on a tight per unit budget.

In the public spaces Slade Architecture strove to create a design that incorporates the elegant industrial shell of the existing building shell while customizing it to its next phase as a residential building. The characteristic concrete shell is the largest presence. The intrinsic appeal and distinguishing characteristic of this building will ultimately be the marriage of modern design with industrial heritage. In that spirit, the junction of concrete with new material introduction is articulated clearly, allowing the occupant to appreciate and understand both conditions. The extensive public amenity program includes a lobby, several lounges, game areas, gym, children’s room, flexible conference space and kitchenette.

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