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@ 2013-05-28 21:51:00

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Fruition Las Vegas x Dr. Romanelli 4G Givenchy Archive Collection

fruition las vegas dr romanelli givenchy 3 630x420 Fruition Las Vegas x Dr. Romanelli 4G Givenchy Archive Collection

Fruition Las Vegas collaborated with master tailor Dr. Romanelli to recreate an exquisite capsule collection based around Givenchy‘s apparel canon. Cross-blending Fruition’s extensive knowledge on contemporary streetwear with Dr. Romanelli’s penchant for custom tailoring and patchwork, the result of the collaboration draws from archival Givenchy sportswear to create an activity-focused fashion capsule that may coexist effortlessly alongside Givenchy’s Fall/Winter 2013 ready-to-wear.

See the whole collection on WhiteLies Magazine (

fruition las vegas dr romanelli givenchy 4 630x420 Fruition Las Vegas x Dr. Romanelli 4G Givenchy Archive Collection

fruition las vegas dr romanelli givenchy 5 630x420 Fruition Las Vegas x Dr. Romanelli 4G Givenchy Archive Collection

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