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@ 2013-05-28 19:46:00

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Lodamoda – Io Woo

LODAMODA 32 650x403 Lodamoda   Io Woo

Io Woo-Jakarta,Indonesia. Behind his Interest and Ambition of Fashion and Graphic Design, He say ” Lodamoda is derived from the Italian language , Loda or Lodare which means praise, and Moda which mean Fashion/Mode”. It’s Nice Freshly Digital Art which One set with black and white photos and typos mixing with the rendering unstructured dynamic rather very effective ! more stuff here

pink moon21 650x919 Lodamoda   Io WooLODAMODA IO WOO2 650x808 Lodamoda   Io WooLODAMODA 113 650x700 Lodamoda   Io WooLODAMODA 33 650x919 Lodamoda   Io Woo

LODAMODA 4 650x744 Lodamoda   Io Woo

LODAMODA 101 650x919 Lodamoda   Io Woo

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