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@ 2013-05-28 17:14:00

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City Visions Design

VISIONS, decoration panels

Visions is a unique range of digital art images printed on transparent plexiglass plates, a collection of 12 themes and 144 combinations, inspired by the most popular cities of the world and the beauty of nature.

 P031 650x430 City Visions Design

An original piece of furnishing, made up with an innovative mix of photography and digital print, which will give any room a unique
character and modern design. Visions perfectly fits the minimalism of modern living spaces but also add variety to the appearance of the
interior decorated in traditional style.

P042 650x650 City Visions Design

P051 650x981 City Visions Design

P061 650x981 City Visions Design

P071 650x981 City Visions Design

P081 650x981 City Visions Design

3D effects images giving the impression of optical illusions, games, patches of color: light, colour and transparency are the main features of Visions.

P02 650x650 City Visions DesignP01 650x430 City Visions Design

Specifications: digital print on transparent plexiglass plate, 5mm thick, available size 30x30cm or 80x80cm. Metal fasteners are included.

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