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@ 2013-05-28 15:32:00

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The Next Generation Startups

Starting a new business is far from easy. It takes time, dedicated staff, and a lot of financial assistance. The past involved so much failure by not planning. Many would empty their savings accounts and take out loans against their mortgage. This caused many people to not only lose their business if they could not keep afloat but also their homes. The Next Generation of Startups is looking towards smarter financing methods. Here are 5 ways they are financing their new business startups.

next generation startups1 The Next Generation Startups

Eliminate the Paycheck

A startup has to make many sacrifices. The first method of getting enough finances is to plan to spend less. This is hard to do but not impossible. The founders of a startup should not expect to give themselves a paycheck. This is why many startups founders plan for a few years to save their money up to work on this opportunity full time. By saving up the money themselves in savings accounts, CD’s and IRA’s they can save loads of interest rates from loans.

Seek Investments from Family and Friends

The Next Generation of startups has many young entrepreneurs. The world is seeing the advantages and usefulness of startups. The Next Generation should invest time in propositioning to their family and friends about their dream. They need to do more than just explain or paint a bland picture in their minds. They should give the same respectful presentation tailored to the audience of whomever they are presenting their startup dream to. They should paint the picture of how beneficial it is to their audience.

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