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Klusā pastaiga

Sākuma datums: 18.03.2012

Norises vieta: Nīderlande, Amsterdama

Starta laiks: 20:00

n the 14th century a Eucharistical miracle took place in Amsterdam and the Holy Communion that a sick person could keep inside was brought in procession to the Church because it was coming back al the time although people tried to burn it in the fire. A long time there was a procession every year but after the protestant Reformation it is for a long time impossible. But for some time now it is possible again. There is also a special program incl. Holy Mass and adoration and a silent procession through the city. It will in the night of March 17th and 18th
The program for the young people like us will start at 20.00h in ST.Nicolas church nearby the central station in Amsterdam but you should subscribe via the website of Stille Omgang for young people or via the diocese of Den Bosch (that is our diocese) and look for Stille Omgang 2012...
Klusums Jaunatnes programma, Uzdrošinies!

Sestdien, 17 Mar 2012 skaistā St Nicholas baznīcā Amsterdamā Silent Jaunatnes programma.Unikāls notikums Nīderlandē, unikāla iespēja , tiekoties ar citiem jauniešiem, un līdz ar Kristu Euharistijā. Un viss centrā Amsterdam. Laipni lūdzam! Ieejas maksa 7 eiro p.p.


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