10:23 amekoveikala mājas vīns ir baigais gāzējs, es mājās tiku agrā rīta stundā ar nelegālu taksi, un es pavisam labi saprotu, ko tante domāja, kad teica, ka rīt būs traki. ekovīns lol. un vēl mēs bijām nakts vidū bārā Soļanka, tur urlas spēlēja šahu. pavisam nopietni.un vēl es gribu būt galvenā tavā visumā, mazais, bet tas tā. No I won't interfere I'm the only sound you'll ever need to hear Listen to my breath so near Allow me to be every noise in your ear Since that day I wake up early Every morning which is good But my stomach's churning, call me, It would be nice if you could Some days I question The suggestion You might not exist at all Can we meet and talk it over Would you be kind enough to call |