running to stand still

January 17th, 2010

04:03 am

liekas, ka mani mati ļoti stipri smaržo pēc karija

un vispār es nesaprotu, kāpēc es esmu teju vienīgā, kurai filma Mamma Mia! liekas forša un tiešām smieklīga. sure thing, viņi vis filmējot noteikti kaut ko pīpēja, bet nu c'mooon, Merila Strīpa pat džinsu kombinezonā pa akmeņiem un jumtiem lēkā apskaužami graciozi. un filma ir saulaina un tiešām lustīga, un es nesaprotu, kāpēc neviens nedala manu sajūsmu, pfff

11:39 am

jau trešo gadu pēc kārtas reizi gadā izpildu testu Do you have a place in this world? un rezultāti ir arvien satriecošāki - pirmajā reizē bija you feel like you don't fit in 29% of the time, pagāšreiz bija 48%, un tagad --->

You Feel Like You Don't Fit In 51% Of The Time

Life can be a struggle for you. You have a place in the world, but you may not have found it yet. Don't give up though. You are a unique person, and that means you don't fit in all the time. But it is something you should not fight against but embrace. You will find your way.

Do You Have a Place in This World?
Take More Quizzes


07:14 pm

i guess the real strength is in surrender
so i burnt my letters and wrote my poems on the oceans floor
see when the sun and moon collide i wanna see it with my eyes wide open
i wanna see it with my heart not frozen
oh constant companion help me understand there is nothin to fear
because on that golden day i should lift up my gaze and percieve the unseen
break all my television screens
and realize whats in side
open my eyes and see this beauty can not hide
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