ddaiter ([info]ddaiter) rakstīja,
@ 2010-01-05 17:52:00

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*yawns* good evening
I hope drama_chica and kilqchrisbaby can come over on New years. Cause yanno that would be so fun. I was talking to drama_chica tonight and I told her I'd make Skyline dip. Now I know we ALL love skyline dip. For those of you who don't know what skyline or skyline dip is, it's a cincinnati/ohio kinda thing. Skyline is a restarunt (DUH) lol and like they serve 3 ways (yummy) and coneys. And they are famous for their Chilli. And well you might have seen like their products in the freezer section of the grocery store. Well Skyline dip is awesome. You take a package of frozen skyline chilli with NO spagitti and like 2 packages of cream cheese and shredded cheddar cheese and bake it. You do put it in layers of course. Cream cheese on the bottom, chilli in the middle and the shredded cheddar cheese on top. Then u dunk tortilla chips in it. MMMMM-MM! Ex-ell-ent!Anywho Ashley has the flu. I hope she is better by christmas.

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