ddaiter ([info]ddaiter) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-24 12:27:00

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Note to Bootsie
*board**cracks up*Note To drama_chicaTone~LMFAO!! You're prolly gonna kick my ass 4 actually typing 'Tone', that and the fact that I started freewriting a new story. HEHEHE... More than likely Chris is gonna be ur man in the story. You two would make the cutest couple anyway. *Ducks as Toni Chucks frying pan at my head* Anyway what did u think of last nights weather? I found it to be quite lovely... you on the other hand... Now that is a different story. Jr. could have won the Race if he hadn't pitted cause he - I just saw heat lightning! Anyhoot Jr was leading and he had to pit. Stupid ass. I think he came in 14th. I still have to give him credit though cause he placed better than gordon. Just so you know I'm prolly not gonna be home this week. But if my mom has some minutes left on her cell I will try to call you possibly from Brookville. Also... you might have another person...er cat to add to your LJ friends list. Yeah as soon as I can get a code. Ima make LILY a livejournal... that could be intesting though. LMAO. So did ur work get rainned out? How is Aaron??? I miss him man. Tee-hee. I know I was supposed to come down to the track but it was kind of hot and um it was gonna rain. I'll try to come next week if possible. I can't wait until you hear the begining of the new fic I am writing. Dumbshit Jerry has a Cameo. LMAO. Hell yeah it is now thundering outside.By da way Did u see Justin on the Macy's fireworks thingy on the 4th? I saw part of it because my cable decided to cut out on me right before his perfomance and I had waited all damn night too. He was hot. Anyway PLEESE reply to this lil note. Thankies~ your pal, Laura Michelle BassPS: a thought just crossed my mind about u and chris... ROFL! I can just picture me call you on the phone and he awnsers it and goes "TONE!! PHONE!!!!" And then u start cussin' him out cause u hate being called that and I am on the other end laughing my ass off as usual. PPS:Hmmmm... I think I jus gave my self a story Idea- well lma add it anyway.PPPS: I am a complete Dork PPPPS: and I am damn proud of it too!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*yawns* well I am getting tired... Later Dayz

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