ddaiter ([info]ddaiter) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-18 21:52:00

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Damn I think I just died and went to heaven here
Today has been pretty much Lazy. LOL. I went to Kmart to get the New Harry potter book and of course they are sold out so then I go Krogers and they have the book. They also have some dude dressed up as Harry potter and people we getting their pix taken with the dude.Then I went home and relaxed on the back porch and read like 300 pages of the new harry potter book. And I as I am doing that there is a party going on at the house behind me. And someone wit a ball into our yard so someone put a little kid over the big privacy fence to get and then the kid jumped into my neighbors yard to get back over the fence. Then an another ball was hit over the fence and so dude literally jumped over the fence all awhile I am sitting under the cranapple tree reading.Then I come online to check my email and I nearly pass out when I see these Lance pics. DAMN DOES HE LOOK GOOD! I really wish I had printer ink.

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