dawidzzz ([info]dawidzzz) rakstīja,
@ 2005-03-30 01:31:00

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Xa xa
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed...Hash and superjoints..II got a coin....What im gonaaa doooooo !!! i will eat and split....The holidays out of hash i will smoke a joint cash..Joo hooo santamanamansantama 000kkkk im high what im gonaa say ?too you?Fuck the fuckfest wold....around you..And get in the sky...Where ewerybody smiilee to yooou and you and you....And then Hash agaiin...ts good to beee truuue..And you now the rulzzzz i dont sing a blues...m fucking white rapar...im split the paper..out of your hea..And i sad what i did sad?o yooou always aroud just msmile you loking good of no hair..o ye..smoke smoke smoek !hash and weeed.. just real and feell the beeet... in your heaad...What im gona sayy yo you ??ewerebody noe ehat is means just youu..get in the sys and now what is rulz...be cool..ad rooll....The join marihuana hash and smile for you...!just now im in our siiide aiids fuck the gays and know the wrong eyes...OOho ofcourse you dot fuck you and fuck you if you gona if you gona do like that you been cool and schooll..you Fuck the school FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK tE SCHOOL!you new knows what i mean...foor you.....just know...and bee..u know what to bee...us stay and fly..rock the clubs...and fuck the school...oo yeee santamanaasantamana ohh..its good...to be true..!fuck the jesus cryst his fucked and rapped..now im in the sky...and if you know what im mean yu can be true and fuck the jesus too..and then you will know...what is true...and rememeber i nost singing a bluuuuess.fuckfest schol!u know.!

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