Nightshade Belladonna ([info]dabairmaaksla) rakstīja,
@ 2021-12-10 12:46:00

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femme fatale
Kāpēc vīrieši mani saukā par feministi, ja man feminisms interesē tikai kā vēsturisks fenomens, kuram pateicoties sievietes nav zemcilvēki. Droši vien, sievietes labprāt nestrādātu raktuvēs, bet, come on, apšaubīt viņas tikai tāpēc, ka sievietes? Manuprāt, tā ir baiļu izrādīšana.
"SCUM" bija baigais prikols. Nez kā radās? Manuprāt, bija tā, ka autore bija cietusi no nepareizas uzmanības no vīriešu puses un rezultātā sāka viņus ienīst. Viņa arī kļuva par lesbieti un pēc kāda laika nonāca cietumā, kur viņas pielūgsme tikai pastiprinājās. Amizanti.
"Solanas begins by presenting a theory of the male as an "incomplete female" who is genetically deficient due to the Y chromosome."
Lūk! Jau pats sākums ir loģiska, karmiska atbilde vīriešu iedomībai. Ja Ieva ir radīta no Ādama ribas kā kompanjons, tad vīrietis ir nepilnīga sieviete.
"The Manifesto continues by arguing that the male spends his life attempting to become female, and thereby overcome his inferiority. He does this by "constantly seeking out, fraternizing with and trying to live through and fuse with the female." Solanas rejects Freud's theory of penis envy, and argues that men have "pussy envy". Solanas then accuses men of turning the world into a "shitpile" and presents a long list of grievances."
Yep, ye olde psychology thing. If women are told from childhood that they are inferior to men, they will surely one day say the same thing about men. Keep this example in mind! This is how usually the events turn out in cases of oppression of self. Would you like to be Grimes? No? Then shut the fuck up!

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