bloodflower ([info]cure) rakstīja,
@ 2004-08-28 12:29:00

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kad reiz cilvēks saprot,ka ir vientuļš un beidz to noliegt?kad saprot,ka ir vienalga,vai logs ir ciet,vai vaļā,bet galvenais ir redzēt zvaigznes?
kad cilvēks beidz uzdot muļķīgus jautājumus,saprotot,ka tāpat neviens neatbildēs?

ar debesīm sajukusi jūra,nepamanāma laime,neatbildami jautājumi,vientulība starp cilvēkiem,neaizmirstamas atmiņas,bezmiega asaras,izpūruši mati - piemineklis pagātnei.
kaut kā vienmēr pietrūks,es nēesmu materiālists.

it's a perfect day for letting go
for setting fire to bridges
and other dreary worlds you know
let's get happy!
it's a perfect day for making out
to wake up with a smile without a doubt
to burst grin giggle bliss skip jump and sing and shout
let's get happy!

but it's much to late you say
for doing this now
we should have done it then
well it just goes to show
how wrong you can be
and how you really should know
that it's never too late
to get up and go

it's a perfect day for kiss and swell
for rip-zipping button-popping kiss and well...
there's loads of other stuff can make you yell
let's get happy!
it's a perfect day for doing the unstuck
for dancing like you can't hear the beat
and you don't give a further thought
to things like feet
let's get happy!

the cure - doing the unstuck

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