Pēteris Caune, filmas ([info]cu_f) rakstīja,
@ 2008-03-15 12:40:00

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Persepolis (2007). Zīmēta. Un atgādina, ka tajās tālajās jocīgajās zemēs dzīvo tādi paši cilvēki kā šeit.

Lars and the Real Girl (2007). Saspiedies džeks un ļoti iejūtīgi visi pārējie.

The Man from Earth (2007). Ticīgie cilvēki sašutumā!

Das Boot (1981). Karš. Atšķirībā no lielākās tiesas redzētām kara filmām, šī filma ir no vāciešu skata punkta.
Because the original TV mini-series was severely criticized in Germany for portraying World War II Germans sympathetically, the producer greeted the first American showing of the film at the Los Angeles Film Festival with great trepidation. They weren't sure how a former enemy nation in that war would react the film, especially in a city with a large Jewish population, and their fears were reinforced when the audience applauded the opening caption saying 30,000 of 40,000 German submariners were lost in the war. However, when the film ended, the audience gave the film a standing ovation in appreciation of the artistry of the filmmakers. (trivia)

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