krishjaanis2 ([info]krishjaanis2) rakstīja,
"“God creates the vine and teaches it to draw up water by its roots and, with the aid of the sun, to turn that water into a juice which will ferment and take on certain qualities.WineGlassGrapes Thus every year, from Noah’s time till ours, God turns water into wine. That, men fail to see. Either like the Pagans they refer the process to some finite spirit, Bacchus or Dionysus: or else, like the moderns, they attribute real and ultimate causality to the chemical and other material phenomena which are all that our senses can discover in it. But when Christ at Cana makes water into wine, the mask is off’ (John 5:19). The miracle has only half its effect if it only convinces us that Christ is God: it will have its full effect if whenever we see a vineyard or drink a glass of wine we remember that here works He who sat at the wedding party in Cana."

Jēzus sekotāji varbūt neredzēja pašu augšāmcelšanos, bet pašu augšāmcelto Jēzu viņi redzēja gan, kā jau par to raksta savos tekstos. Tu vari viņu redzētajam, "novērojumam" vai nu ticēt vai nē, tas ir tavā ziņā.

Tu automātiski tikko nobanoji savu viedokli, neviena zinātne, nedz neiro, nedz šmeiro nevar izmērīt cilvēka mīlestību nedz noteikt, cik un vai cilvēks ir labs.

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