krishjaanis2 ([info]krishjaanis2) rakstīja,
Vakar vēlreiz pārbaudīju, principā, kristietība/jūdaisms un evolucionisms gluži vienkārši nav samērojami, kā daži izliekas.
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"However, we can’t combine the Theory of Evolution with the six days of creation because the Theory of Evolution contradicts God’s entire plan for our salvation.

If other species evolved into human beings, then there is no Adam and Eve, the first two human beings. If there is no Adam and Eve, then there is no fall into sin. And if there is no fall into sin, then there was nothing that brought death into the world, which means God had always intended for death to serve as the driving force for species to evolve. The problem there is quite simple and yet very big: God never intended for things to die. Death is a result of sin, and that’s the whole reason Jesus came to this earth. He came to die for sin and do away with death, pain, and sadness.

Thankfully, as God tells us, there was no sin when he created the world—it was perfect. “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good” (Genesis 1:31). “Good” in God’s eyes equals perfect, so “very good” means that his creation must have been very perfect before Adam and Eve sinned. (..)"

Visiem kristiešiem šim vajadzētu būt izejas punktam, kā domāt par evolūcijas teoriju. Ja nu vienīgi caur radošu, alegorisku lasījumu viņi iemanās kaut kā mainīt un pārnest "cīņas par izdzīvošanu" un "adaptācijas" nozīmi.

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( )Anonīms- ehh.. šitajam cibiņam netīk anonīmie, nesanāks.
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