Brīnišķīgi, tu joprojām turpini rakstīt tā, it kā uz visiem šiem jautājumiem un iebildēm jau nebūtu miljons reizes atbildēts.
Man tiešām slinkums rakstīt par fundamentiem.
"If Jesus gave us his righteousness, why did he still have to suffer for our sins? Jesus had to suffer because God is just—he has to punish sin. “He does not leave the guilty unpunished” (Exodus 34:7). God says, “It is I who judge uprightly,” (Psalm 75:2). An upright judge cannot let sin go unpunished. And that’s where Jesus comes in. He took our guilty sentence and put it on himself. He was punished for our sins. “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21). Through Jesus’ sacrifice, God punishes sin and forgives sin all at the same time. Jesus was stricken by the sins Satan had caused, while at the same time crushing Satan and his evil work. By dying on the cross, Jesus had fulfilled God’s promise to Adam and Eve." -, ka viņš augšāmcēlās tieši nozīmē, ka viņš pirms tam bija pavisam reāli miris. Jā, nemirstīgais Dievs cilvēka miesā labprātīgi nomira.
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