January, 2014 - clientsfromhell

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Here are the subjects of all posts in the [info]clientsfromhell journal in January, 2014.

8:30a[info]clientsfromhellI ran out of room in a shared “transfer" folder on my Dropbox account because a client was...
8:30a[info]clientsfromhell"I need you to translate this magazine. You can just use Google Translate and proofread the text..."
7:00a[info]clientsfromhellI was working with a client trying to setup a new cloud account. Client: I don’t understand...
10:00a[info]clientsfromhellClient: Use this logo for Dr. SoAndSo from Michigan State University’s listing. Me: But...
7:00a[info]clientsfromhell"Don’t worry too much about the presentation. I double-checked and we still have an hour before the.
10:00a[info]clientsfromhellToday I received a client’s logo. As a screenshot. Of a webpage. In a PowerPoint. 
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