Notebook ([info]ciquziitis) rakstīja,
@ 2013-02-12 05:00:00

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Music image problem
There was an article about annual latvian music award nominations in one internet portal. The event, which is held by Association of Music Producers, is getting controversial this year, since quite a few well known acts have not been nominated (due to the fact that to participate you have to submit your work). But that's not the issue.

I don't usually read comments in portals, but this time i did, since the topic interests me. I was surprised by amount of "commentators" who had very strict opinion about latvian music as whole. Basically, they wrote, everything is crap, latvians can't play or write, latvian musicians should better go and dig graves, latvian language is not good enough to be used for song lyrics.

Maybe they are a very loud minority, but anyway that is a marketing problem. People have bad opinion, for whatever reason, which means that they won't come to gigs, they won't purchase any records or won't generally look for new latvian music. This opinion must be turned upside town, since it doesn't allow for development. We do have some great bands, great songs, great performers, just that latvians have this tendency of judging their own more harshly, perhaps because the musician lives just around the corner, therefore he can't be good, since the "the latvian" himself can't play or sing or write (and this musician around the corner can't be better than him, can he?).

Bad news is that advetising campaign probably won't help, the change has to start with the musicians themselves. We have to be better promoters, better marketers, better musicians, be generally more active. Maybe then we can "pull" the audience up a level?

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