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prieks. mulsums. gods. (darīt Tev labu)
ja par nejaušām, bet derīgām skaņām, tad tā ir Tumsa. kolekcija Dzīve kā košums. Īstajā brīdī skanēja Tik un tā jau nesapratīs.
/domāju, no kā un uz ko ir tā tava gribēšana beigt priecāties. lai gan... es jau daru līdzīgi. cenšos nešūpoties pārmēru. lai pēc priekiem bēdas nenāktu.
man arī ir prieks, ka es Tev kaut mazlietiņ deru. stc man noskaņojums uzlabojās un tagad top šāds tāds zīmējums. lai gan gulēt nāktos
![[User Picture]]( | From: | az |
Date: | 12. Jūnijs 2017 - 00:01 |
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hm, šūpoties gan man patīk, ļoti ļoti, ļoti ļoti bet tas prieks druksu par augstu, par daudz, nav vārdiem vietas, tomēr gribas tā pieklājīgāk uzvesties
Slow Sculpture by Theodore Sturgeon, 1971 Hugo Award "Were you looking for something?" he asked her. "No," she said. "Yes." He could smile. Though it did not last long she found the expression surprising in a face like his. "That's not what is called, in a court of law, a responsive answer." She glanced across the hillside, metallic in that late light. There wasn't much on it—rocks, weeds the summer was done with, a tree or so, the orchard. Anyone present had come a long way to get here. "It wasn't a simple question," she said, tried to smile and burst into tears. She was sorry and said so. "Why?" he asked. This was the first time she was to experience this ask-the-next-question thing of his. It was unsettling. It always would be—never less, sometimes a great deal more. "Well—one doesn't have emotional explosions in public." "You do. I don't know this one you're talking about." "I guess I don't either, now that you mention it." "Tell the truth then. No sense in going around and around about it: He'll think that I... and the like. I'll think what I think, whatever you say. Or—go down the mountain and just don't say any more." She did not turn to go, so he added: "Try the truth, then. If it's important, it's simple. And if it's simple it's easy to say." "I'm going to die!" she cried. "So am I."
stāstiņu nesapratu.
pieklājīgi vajag :) Vēl nesen atcerējos notikumu no bērnības par `lielu mīlēšanu`. Mazu trusīti bērns tik ļoti samīļoja, ka aiz pārdzīvojumiem tas nākamajā dienā nomira.
![[User Picture]]( | From: | az |
Date: | 12. Jūnijs 2017 - 09:05 |
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hey ;]
stāsts ir par to pašu pieklājību, kas arī trusīti būtu izglābusi, tikai otrādāk
tas ir tad, ka viņa atvainojas un saka "Well—one doesn't have emotional explosions in public.", un viņš saka "You do." tas nozīmē, ka lai cik ļoti pieklājīgi tu varētu gribēt uzvesties, tu esi tu (vai, šajā situācijā, es esmu es), ko tur daudz | |