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[Sep. 15th, 2023|10:24 pm]
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Date:September 16th, 2023 - 11:25 am
All i know is that current world is entirely evil and there's no redemption for it until it's destroyed. There are basically no good forces abound that could influence the current.
[User Picture]
Date:September 16th, 2023 - 11:35 am
Many of the Rosicrucians of the time also believed in a coming apocalypse. They saw it in the stars. I wonder if the Freemasonic 'perfectibilists' engaged in the grand project to transform society don't do it out of fear of the evil inherent in humanity - another endless cycle.
Some of the early Rosicrucians, it seemed from the book I am reading, built the temple within themselves so as to be free of the world (hence the gnostic element).
[User Picture]
Date:September 16th, 2023 - 12:23 pm
What i've learned about gnostics is that their attitudes towards themselves and world were very close to the modern woke marksists. They despise it all and want to change or destroy everything. As a result they delved into debauchery, self inflicting mutilations and generally ill behavior. Cuz you know, the evil Demiurge created this shit world, so there's no point being good, honest and virtuous. Don't see how that's a solution. Catholic Chruch with all its problems, were a beacon of chastity in comparison.
Maybe i'm just ill informed, that's what i gathered reading about cathars.
[User Picture]
Date:September 16th, 2023 - 12:59 pm
Well, they differ from pagans, who worship the world (generally speaking). I'll have to read up about the Cathars, but I see your point, and I think you might be correct, at least with regard to the current anti-natalist (child-free) zeitgeist. It is as if many want this to be the end of the line - for themselves and for the rest of us. Leaving the world of the demiurge in a kind of group euthanasia.

Some of the early Rosicrucians worshiped the world because they saw God in everything. I rather think the Gnostic element came from fear of the Church authorities at the time - conflating them perhaps with the Demiurge?
[User Picture]
Date:September 16th, 2023 - 01:56 pm
So by your previous comment you could be considered a half-baked gnostic then?

You also consider the current world evi and despicable beyond redemption and would see it destroyed?
[User Picture]
Date:September 16th, 2023 - 02:39 pm
Es uzskatu, ka pašreiz pasaulē valda ļaunums, tik tiešām Antikrista laikmets, un vairums cilvēku atrodas tā hipnotiskajā varā.
Atšķirībā no gnostiķiem, es neticu, ka pasaule ir Demiurga radījums, tā ir Dieva jeb Labā radīta, bet Lucifers un tie, kas viņam kalpo (piemēram, gnostiķi, marksisti vai vienkārši individuāli ļauni cilvēki), to aktīvi centušies bojāt since forever. Es esmu pret to un cenšos dzīvot cik vien godīgi un labi spēju.
Pašreizējā kondīcija ir tāda, ka cilvēku dvēseles korupcija ir aizgājusi tik tālu, ka neredzu iespēju to labot caur attīstību. Pār pasauli valda tikai un vienīgi ļauni spēki. Ir daudz labu cilvēku, bet viņiem jākļūst tik pat ļauniem un korumpētiem kā šiem dominējošiem spēkiem, lai konkurēti un tas nav risinājums. Tas ir strupceļš.
Līdz ar to vai nu otrā Mesijas atnākšana vai globāla katastrofa, kas uztaisīs dabisko resetu. Back to sticks and stones.
[User Picture]
Date:October 5th, 2023 - 10:24 pm
Gribeetu ieteikt gramatu "The Prophets of Doom' jums abiem.